Trafico Management

If you are resid­ing in Spain more than 180 days a year as well as ap­ply­ing for your “Res­id­en­cia” you should also be chan­ging your Eng­lish driv­ing li­cense to a Span­ish li­cense. Be­fore ap­ply­ing for the change at “Trafico” you will need to pass a few med­ical tests. We will as­sist you each step of the way. If the po­lice catch on that you are res­id­ent in Spain and still have a UK driv­ing li­cense, you will re­ceive a fine.

Just bought a vehicle in Spain? As we are sure you have real­ized, the vehicle now needs to be changed into your name at “Trafico” as well as “SUMA” (road tax). Please contact us for a quo­ta­tion. We can also pre­pare the pur­chase/​sale con­tract for the vehicle which is very im­port­ant.

Think­ing of bring­ing a car over from the UK? There are vari­ous re­quire­ments you need to take into ac­count to change the re­gis­tra­tion plates of your vehicle to Span­ish. Do not hes­it­ate to contact to us for fur­ther in­form­a­tion on the pro­ced­ure, we will take care of each step, aim­ing to keep things easy and straight for­ward for you.

Contact us

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