Money transfers and bank communications

We have pro­fes­sional con­nec­tions to sev­eral Banks in or­der give the best ser­vice to our cli­ents. Open­ing a bank ac­count is one of the first steps re­quired when pur­chas­ing a prop­erty in Spain, as well as ap­ply­ing for your NIE. You can choose the bank that suits you the most, but we can re­com­mend SABADELL SOL­BANK as it is one of the biggest banks with the most re­duced fees, hav­ing dif­fer­ent branches in al­most every city and town.

We can of­fer you the fa­cil­ity of meet­ing the bank man­ager in the com­fort of our of­fice, al­though we re­com­mend vis­it­ing the branch in per­son for your per­sonal ref­er­ence.

Re­gard­ing money trans­fers, we co­oper­ate with SMART cur­rency ex­change com­pany who has never failed to of­fer our cli­ents a great ser­vice. Spe­cial­iz­ing in in­ter­na­tional trans­fers; on­line trans­fers, tele­phone trans­fers, safety of funds and se­cur­ity, and more.

Foreign exchange doesn’t have to be a hassle or a risk. SMART makes currency exchange simple. Whatever your reason for sending money overseas, they will help you to take control of your currency transfers.

We will pass your in­form­a­tion on to SMART for them to con­tact you and ex­plain the pro­ced­ure. This way you will re­ceive ad­di­tional ad­vant­ages!

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