Utility contracts

We al­ways check with the util­ity com­pan­ies to make sure all pay­ments are up to date and the sup­ply is con­nec­ted without any prob­lems. This in­cludes wa­ter, elec­tric and gas.

Cal­cu­la­tions are made for any pos­sible debt for un­paid bills left by the vendor and re­tained so everything can be paid off and clean for the new own­ers.

We also take care of in­form­ing the com­pan­ies of the new own­er­ship of the prop­erty, there­fore chan­ging the con­tracts into the new own­er’s name and set­ting up a dir­ect debit for the pay­ments.

Wa­ter is usu­ally charged every three months. Elec­tric is usu­ally charged every two months, some­times monthly.

We also in­form the com­munity ad­min­is­trat­ors of the new own­er­ship so they can also up­date their sys­tem and ar­range the new dir­ect debit for com­munity pay­ments.

If we were to rep­res­ent you for the sale of you prop­erty, after com­ple­tion we will con­tact each com­pany sep­ar­ately to make sure the dir­ect deb­its are can­celled so your ac­count will no longer be charged.

We can also as­sist you pay­ing an ex­ist­ing debt and ar­ran­ging to re­con­nect the sup­ply. It is al­ways re­com­men­ded to keep a min­imum amount of funds in your Span­ish bank so you can avoid debt to build up that can lead to dis­con­nec­ted sup­plies.

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