Non–Residents tax

This non-res­id­ent tax is­sue can be con­fus­ing. Why should own­ing a hol­i­day home en­tail pay­ing in­come tax? There is no equi­val­ent in the UK, and no one from the tax of­fice in­forms non-res­id­ents of their ob­lig­a­tion to pay the tax and sub­mit the form. In fact, a lot of hol­i­day home own­ers are ob­li­vi­ous to the re­quire­ment or think they have already paid.

This is be­cause they have paid local prop­erty taxes: Im­pues­tos sobre Bienes In­muebles (“IBI”). But IBI is an­other tax that has to be paid by all prop­erty own­ers, res­id­ents and non-res­id­ents alike.

So if you are a typ­ical hol­i­day home owner, the ques­tion to ask your­self is have I paid both my local (IBI) taxes to the town hall and my tax to the na­tional gov­ern­ment (Form 210)?

An­other thing to keep in mind is tax for rental in­come. Are you Non-Res­id­ent in Spain and earn­ing an in­come from rent­ing your prop­erty?

Did you know that you should be de­clar­ing and pay­ing tax on that rental in­come on a quarterly basis?

A new le­gis­la­tion has come into or­der for your rental agents, they are ob­liged to in­form the au­thor­it­ies that the prop­erty is be­ing ren­ted and of the ten­ants de­tails. This means that the Tax Of­fice will be able to trace any Non-Res­id­ents that aren’t de­clar­ing and pay­ing tax on their rental in­come.

We of­fer a fiscal con­tract to take care of the pre­par­a­tion of your an­nual or quarterly non-Res­id­ents taxes.

Come and see us for more in­form­a­tion.

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