Spanish Wills

If you own prop­erty in Spain it is ad­vis­able that you have a Span­ish Will. This will avoid a lot of cost and com­plic­a­tion upon your death.

If you have already signed a Will in your coun­try, the pro­cess of hav­ing this re­cog­nized in Spain can be ex­pens­ive as the doc­u­ments need to be of­fi­cially trans­lated and apos­tilled. This also cre­ates delays in the in­her­it­ance pro­ced­ure which could even res­ult that the Will is not ac­cep­ted in Spain.

In our opinion, it is always better to deal with your Spanish assets in a Spanish will.

The sign­ing of your Span­ish Will has to be done in front of the Not­ary. Once we have all the ne­ces­sary in­form­a­tion, we take care of the pre­par­a­tion of the doc­u­ment and or­gan­iz­ing an ap­point­ment with the Not­ary. We also provide you with a copy of your Will in Eng­lish and Span­ish.

Writ­ing a Span­ish will can be the best way to en­sure that your Span­ish as­sets are dealt with ac­cord­ing to your wishes.

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